Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Breakfast- Oatmeal w/ peanut butter and skim milk, sweet spicy tea w/ skim milk
Total calories- 209
 Morning Snack- Green Giant Broccoli and Cheese Sauce
Total calories- 150
 Lunch- Lean Cuisine Three Cheese Marinara
Total calories- 300
 Afternoon Snack- Flatbread Crisps w/ Laughing Cow Cheese, Franks Hot Sauce and Cherry Preserves
Total calories- 178
 Dinner- Homemade chili w/ cheese, sweet potato fries, and granny smith applesauce
Total calories- 1038

 Dessert- 15 pieces Hershey's Drops
Total calories- 200
Exercise- 5 minute warm up, 29 minutes circuit training (Lower body)

Total calories for the day- 2075 (61 calories under daily goal of 2136)

Thoughts for the day- I'm sore from yesterday's upper body workout. I'm hoping that I'll be sore tomorrow from today's workout, too. (Hopefully not too sore, though)

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