Saturday, January 21, 2012

Poached Eggs and Taco Bell

Breakfast- 2 slices french toast w/ syrup
Total calories- 277
Morning Snack (Not shown)- coffee w/ 1 tbsp cream of coconut
Total calories- 130

Lunch- Poached egg on buttered toast
Total calories- 195
Dinner- 1 Fresco Chicken Burrito Supreme, 3 Fresco Chicken Tacos
Total calories- 800
 Dessert- 9 pieces Hersheys Drops
Total calories- 132
Exercise- None other than light shopping

Total calories for the day- 1534 (6 calories under daily goal of 1540)

Thoughs for the day- Didn't get to go swimming, but for a good reason; My swimsuit from last year no longer fits! Swimming is out till I can get one that does.

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