Friday, January 6, 2012

Day Two- Baked Poohhh-Taaayyy-Toooowwww

Breakfast- 1 packet of Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal w/ 1/3 cup skim milk.
Total calories- 186
 Morning Snack- Peanut Butter Crunch Fullbar.
Total calories- 170
 Lunch- Healthy Choice Asian Potstickers and Rice.
Total Calories- 360
 Dinner- 2 medium baked potatoes, 1 tablespoon of margarine, 1/8 cup shredded cheddar cheese, 4 tablespoons crumbled bacon,  3 tablespoons fat free sour cream, 3/4 package broccoli and cheese sauce.
Total Calories- 705
 Dessert- 5 animal cookies.
Total calories- 140

Exercise- My coworker and I walked around the mall during lunch hour. Nice brisk pace, nothing too strenuous, good for my healing knee.

Thought of the Day- I cannot explain how much I was looking forward to tonight's dinner! My coworkers and I were talking about good lunch recipes, and one of them mentioned bringing a baked potato for lunch. Instantly I started craving one. Dinner was so amazing, and it felt good to indulge after being so good the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is my father's birthday party. There will be chicken pot pie, undoubtedly other tasty good stuff, and a butter pie (A very rich custard pie) made by yours truly (It's in the oven now). Hopefully I'll be able to stick to my eating plan. Wish me luck!

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