Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day Seven- A week's worth of Honest Eating

Breakfast- Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal w/ Fat Free milk and 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
Total calories- 283
 Morning Snack- Cocoa Chip Full Bar
Total calories- 160
 Lunch- BBQ Chicken Quesadilla (I completely forgot to take a picture of my lunch today, oops! Luckily most lean cuisines have images online, this one was pretty damn close)
Total calories- 270
 Dinner- 2 1/8 slices of Papa Murphys 5 meat stuffed pizza
Total calories- 1476

Exercise- 40 minutes on the stationary bike

Total calories for the day- 2189 (49 above my goal of 2140)

Thought of the day- Someone commented yesterday that I should be having a bigger breakfast. I decided to try something different by adding a tablespoon of healthy natural peanut butter to my oatmeal. It was so delicious! I'm already a huge fan of peanut butter, and with it mixed in with the mapley flavor, it tasted like a decadent dessert for breakfast!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stina - Thanks for the encouragement! I think if my co-worked left chocolate lying around I might have to kill her!

    Thanks again for the photo diary idea, I love it and find it is working very well.

    That pizza looks so yummy!
