Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Three- Paaartay!

Breakfast- Coffee w/ 5 splenda packets and 1/4 cup 1% milk (Didn't have any actual food because we woke up late and had a big lunch to head to)
Total calories- 50
Lunch- 1/2 slice of chicken pot pie w/ broccoli, and 1/2 slice of ham pot pie with peas and carrots
Total calories- 440
Beverage- 1 liter bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper
Total calories- 0
Dessert- 1 slice of butter pie
Total calories- 271
 Dinner- Chicken Bruschetta Pizza (Get used to the pizzas, they are a food group in our house)
Total calories- 870
Beverage- 1 glass of plum wine (Only ended up drinking 2/3 of it)
Total calories- 150
 Total calories for the day- 1781 (161 over calorie goal of 1620)

Exercise- none (Still taking it easy until Monday)

Thought of the Day- I can't wait to start exercising again.

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