Friday, January 20, 2012

Coming Back . . .

My birthday was this past Wednesday. Because of this (And the alcohol consumed on that day) I completely forgot to take pictures of my food that day. I have pictures for Tuesday, but forgot to post them. I was under the calorie limit that day, but not so for Wednesday. Thursday was not so great. I've heard somewhere that when you eat too much one day, your sense of hunger and appetite is screwed up for at least the next day if not several days afterwards. I felt it yesterday. I started off well, but then I just kept wanting to snack.
Today I got back on track.
Breakfast- 1 packet of Raisin, Date and Walnut Oatmeal w/ skim milk
Total calories- 166
 Morning Snack- Breakfast On the Go packet and Vitamin Water Zero
Total calories- 180
 This isn't food. It's my sad face after walking back to the office from the gym at lunch. It was pouring rain, high winds and general freezy-ness outside, and once we got inside, my face actually started hurting as it thawed out. My nose as you can see is still a little reddish.
 Lunch- Apple Cranberry Chicken Lean Cuisine (Yum!)
Total calories- 320
 Afternoon Snack- 9 flatbread crackers and 1 wedge laughing cow cheese
Total calories- 128
 Afternoon Beverage- Vitamin Water Zero
Total calories- 0
 Dinner- Frozen Barbecue Chicken Pizza
Total calories- 900
 Dessert- 3 Dylan's Candy Bar Squares
Total calories- 126
 Evening Snack #1- 1 bread and butter pickle spear
Total calories- 25
 Evening Snack #2- Jell-O Sugar Free snack cup
Total calories- 10
Exercise- 25 minutes stationary bike (This was a hard workout, I really pushed it)

Total calories for the day- 1855 (85 under my daily goal of 1940)

Thoughts for the day- I'm glad to be back in the habit. As another step towards my fitness, I plan to start swimming at my home gym at least once a week! I used to be a good swimmer, but I've lost all the endurance I used to have, and I know it will be a great low impact workout.

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