Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day One- This might actually work!

Breakfast-1 packet pumpkin spice oatmeal w/ 1/3 cup skim milk.
Total calories- 176

Morning Snack- 1 package broccoli and cheese sauce
Total calories- 150

Lunch- 1 package Lean Cuisine Frozen Lunch
Total calories- 230

Afternoon Snack- Diet Pepsi
Total calories- 0
Dinner- 1 frozen thin crust barbecue chicken pizza
Total calories- 900
Dessert- 5 animal cookies
Total calories- 140

Total calories for the day- 1596 (24 under 1620 calorie goal) Yay!

Exercise- Due to a continuing knee issue, I am refraining from any kind of workout this week. Can't wait till I'm feeling better, I want to get back in the gym!!

Thought of the Day- Taking pictures of whatever I eat is definitely making me think about what I'm putting in my body more. No more just randomly grabbing things and eating them because they're there. This might actually work!

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